Friday, January 12, 2018

John Locke

Dear Crossings,

John Locke was the most influential character for me this week. Without him, I learned, the Declaration of Independence would be very different. He was the one who said that there should be a social contract between the people and the government. Our "natural rights" idea came from him, and without it, our constitution and laws would be very different. Some of our "natural rights" that he came up with, were "life, liberty and property". As you may notice, "life, liberty and happiness" is in the Declaration of Independence. The constitution is filled with his ideas and many other philosophers from this time-frame, for they influenced the writers of the Declaration of Independence, and our Constitution. Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Roger Sherman, Robert Livingston and Thomas Jefferson and most of the Founding Fathers, were all people who were influenced by John Locke and the other Philosophers of the Enlightenment.  John Locke was probably the most influential for the U.S. as a whole, because the writers fo the Constitution believed in his ideas, and some are written down in our Constitution that we use everyday for our safety. This was some of what John Locke did and (kind of still does), through influencing us through the Constitution that he had many ideas in, and the Declaration of Independence which helped liberate us from Great Britain. John Locke was the most influential person for me this week, because he helped influence our Constitution.

Ariel Santos


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